Pretty In Pink Foundation Ramps Up Planning for Signature Event this Fall

Pretty In Pink Foundation ramps up planning as it prepares to hold its biggest fundraiser in person this year. The Pink Pumps and Bow Ties gala is held at Carolina Country Club every year, but due to COVID was held virtually in 2020. As restrictions are lifted, the organization is getting creative to make sure this year’s event is fun, safe and successful — with the goal of raising much-needed money to financially assist uninsured and under-insured breast cancer patients with their life-saving medical treatments.

“We’re so excited about this year’s Pink Pumps and Bow Ties gala. Last year’s virtual event was quite different from previous years and being in person is so much more fun!” said Margot Huffines, director of business development. “It’s been up in the air as to whether to have the event in person, but with COVID-19 cases dropping, more people getting vaccinated, and restrictions being lifted, we’re confident we can have a wonderful, safe in-person evening together.”

In 2020, a record 255 uninsured and under-insured breast cancer patients across North Carolina received surgeries, chemotherapy administration, and radiation treatment funded by Pretty In Pink Foundation. The non-profit has never turned away a qualified applicant and they continue helping more and more patients every year. To date, Pretty In Pink has served breast cancer patients in 94 of the 100 North Carolina counties.

“Our organization depends on financial gifts to be able to assist our breast cancer patients. More and more women need our help. And in-person events typically raise more money than virtual events. This is our primary fundraiser each year and we’re so incredibly excited to give our guests a unique experience while promoting our mission and raising much needed funds,” continued Huffines.

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