Beyond the Ribbon

Through our Beyond the Ribbon program, we offer supportive resources to North Carolina breast cancer patients as they go through their treatment journey. We offer things such as...
  • Special care bags to those who are newly diagnosed, preparing for surgery, beginning chemotherapy, and/or starting radiation treatment
  • Prosthetic units and special pre- and post-surgery bras
  • Wigs, camisoles, and other items
  • Information and referral to other community resources

You can help us provide a comfort care bag to a breast cancer champion by making a Beyond the Ribbon™ donation.

Are you in need of a comfort care bag, pre or post-surgery bra, prosthetic or wig?

Click Here to Complete the Request Form.

Please note that we only provide items to North Carolina breast cancer patients.

Throughout the year we host several Beyond the Ribbon Days where we will have a certified fitter from Dianne’s Selections on hand, as well as items to take home- like bras, prothesis and more! Questions about our Beyond the Ribbon Day? Or do you have an item that you could donate? Contact Anna Sims, our Director of Patient Services and Grants.

Love to sew or quilt and want to share your talents?  You can become a Beyond the Ribbon™ Volunteer for Pretty In Pink Foundation to make items for our comfort care tote bags.

Sign up by clicking on our Volunteer tab.