Car Dealerships Across the Region Raise More Than $5,000 for Pretty In Pink

Five car dealerships across North and South Carolina held an incredibly successful campaign this October to raise funds for Pretty In Pink Foundation! The dealerships donated $5,500 to Pretty In Pink to support their mission– providing uninsured and under-insured breast cancer patients in North Carolina with financial assistance for quality, life-saving medical treatment.

Florence Toyota, Cloninger Ford of Hickory, Cloninger Ford of Morganton, Cloninger Ford and Cloninger Toyota in Salisbury were behind this creative fundraiser. Customers at the various locations donated, then signed designated pink vehicles. “We initially kicked it off with one of our employees, who had lost his wife to breast cancer,” said JD Abee, the general manager of Cloninger Ford of Morganton. “We all gathered around and had him sign first. It was a very touching, very moving and very real for a lot of folks.”

The designated cars were displayed at various community events. Breast cancer survivors had the special honor of signing the hood. “We took it to several events in the local community and everybody loved it,” said Ron Lovelace, the managing partner of Cloninger Ford Toyota of Salisbury. “People were stopping in just to sign the car. Everybody was just very appreciative and excited about it. That’s why we got all the signatures and raised the money that we did!”

“Pretty In Pink Foundation is so grateful for this wonderful partnership and the amazing support from our community,” said Sayla Nedell, Pretty In Pink’s business development manager. “We’re overwhelmed by the success of this fundraiser and so appreciative. This has been a fun and unique way to get folks involved, while also helping breast cancer patients in our own backyards as they battle this awful disease.”

The dealerships looked at various organizations before picking Pretty In Pink Foundation as their Charity of Choice. “We wanted to partner up with a local organization that has a big impact in our community,” said Brian Palm, the general manager of Cloninger Ford of Hickory. “Pretty In Pink Foundation not only helps breast cancer patients right here in North Carolina, their mission statement aligns with ours. It was an easy decision to choose them.”

In 2020, 255 uninsured and under-insured breast cancer patients across North Carolina received funds from Pretty In Pink to pay for surgery, chemotherapy administrations, radiation treatments, office co-pays, deductibles and premiums and COBRA. The non-profit has never turned away a qualified applicant and they continue helping more and more patients every year.

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