Other Ways to Give

Pretty In Pink Foundation has a request for a variety of items that could be donated to help us keep operational costs low:

  • Forever postage stamps
  • Gift Cards to purchase items such as office supplies and Comfort Care Tote items
  • 8 ½ x 11 copier paper
  • Paper towels
  • Laptops
  • Office desks


Remembering Pretty In Pink Foundation in your will or bequest is a meaningful way to help patients with breast cancer in North Carolina receive lifesaving treatment.

Provide now for a future gift to Pretty In Pink Foundation by including a provision in your will or other estate plans. You can specify how you would like us to use your gift.

There are many benefits to including Pretty In Pink Foundation in your will or bequest:

  • A bequest costs nothing now, yet gives you the satisfaction of knowing you have provided for a charity’s future.
  • You retain control and use of your assets during your lifetime.
  • You may modify your bequest if your circumstances change.
  • Gifts from your estate may be exempt from federal estate taxes.


Donating your IRA Required Minimum Distribution (RMD) to charity is a type of planned giving called a Qualified Charitable Distribution (QCD). QCDs allow IRA owners who are at least 70.5 years old to directly transfer funds from their IRA to a qualified 501(c)(3) charity, and can count toward all or part of their RMD for the year. QCDs offer several benefits, including:

  • Tax benefits-  the amount donated is excluded from taxable income, which can lower your tax burden and reduce the impact on certain tax credits and deductions.
  • Planned giving-  QCDs can be a way to start or expand your charitable giving portfolio, and support causes you care about.
  • Flexibility-  you can make QCDs to multiple charities in the same year, and can direct up to $100,000 per year tax-free.

To make a QCD, you can:

  1. Calculate your RMD
  2. Plan your withdrawal
  3. Choose Pretty In Pink Foundation
  4. Have your IRA trustee make the direct transfer to the charity by December 31
  5. Include your donation on your taxes

Required Minimum Distributions (RMD) from your IRA can now be rolled directly to Pretty In Pink Foundation thereby avoiding the income tax on distribution. All or a portion of your annual required minimum distribution can be used. There is no income tax charitable deduction allowed, but you will not have to pay income tax on the value of the transferred assets which is more tax efficient. Donors should contact their IRA administrator to find out how best to transfer a distribution to Pretty In Pink Foundation to avoid taxation. We will happily send you the required information your IRA administrator will need.

How to use your RMD to make a gift to Pretty In Pink Foundation:

  1. Direct your IRA administrator to make a qualified charitable rollover contribution from your annual RMD amount and have it payable to Pretty In Pink Foundation.
  2. The taxpayer identification number is 20-1162702
  3. The check should be addressed to:

                                  Pretty In Pink Foundation

                          5171 Glenwood Avenue, Suite 360

                                    Raleigh, NC 27612

Please alert Pretty In Pink Foundation (info@prettyinpinkfoundation.org) as to the name of the company who administers your IRA so when the check arrives, we can identify that it is from you!

For more information about planned giving, contact our executive director, Becky Horn

It is a type of corporate giving program in which a company matches donations made by employees to eligible nonprofit organizations. An extension of corporate philanthropy, matching gift programs are designed to be the means by which companies support employee charitable giving.

Contact your HR department to find out your company’s matching policy.

We are grateful to the various companies who donate some or all of their proceeds to our lifesaving mission! Make sure to shop: