Pretty In Pink Foundation Launches Inaugural “Walk for a Champion”

Pretty In Pink Foundation today announced its inaugural spring event, “Walk for a Champion”. The virtual walkathon is being held April 1st through April 15th and challenges participants to walk 15 miles over 15 days, to celebrate 15 years of service. The fee to register is $15 and participants are encouraged to donate and fundraise. “Walk for a Champion” has already raised more than $2,000 in donations, with the overall fundraising goal of $5,000.

“We’re so excited to offer a new fundraiser that celebrates our 15 years of service and also encourages physical activity,” said Becky Horn, Executive Director of Pretty In Pink Foundation. “At the same time, we’re raising funds which will go directly toward paying for life-saving medical services for uninsured and under-insured breast cancer patients in North Carolina. It’s a win-win for all.”

In 2020, 255 uninsured and under-insured breast cancer patients across North Carolina received funds from Pretty In Pink to pay for surgery, chemotherapy administration, and radiation treatment. The non-profit has never had to turn away a single qualified applicant and they continue helping more and more patients every year. To date, Pretty In Pink has served Champions in 94 of the 100 North Carolina counties.

“While we can’t all walk together in person, we’re excited to have a virtual event where folks from across North Carolina can participate,” said Horn. “It’s fitting since we help Champions from the mountains to the coast. We already have people signed up from all over our state, plus Pennsylvania and Illinois!”

The last day to sign up to “Walk for a Champion” is April 31st. For more information or to register, visit

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